Monday, September 6, 2010


Hello~!!! WHEW! We are alive and kicking in our townie! Just trying to get through school, haha XD

Anyway, we have been slowly getting into the spirit of cooking adventures here at Chez KO. A week ago, we made a pizza using the pizza crust mix from Winco! The pizza crust mix is cheap and easy, but very doughy. This pizza came out too doughy, so next time we are going to split up the dough for a thinner crust. The toppings were salami, cheese, and canadian bacon! Yum! :D It was very tasty and I look forward to making another pizza soon! I just bought some more mix yesterday, hehe~

Also, Kaitlynn made cinnamon buns last week and they were yummy~~ They were from a can, and not too sweet which was really pleasant.

We are trying to stay healthy and eat balanced meals! Today I am planning to make some carnitas pork and it will take me all afternoon! Yeah!! :D It's nice to have cooking adventures, gives me something to do so I don't go crazy missing my love~

Take care and we'll be back soon with more KO adventures!
